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Margit hinted in her last update that I’d be writing this one—so here I am, delivering the latest installment of What Else Can Possibly Go Wrong? James and Margit have had an absolute year from hell. First, they were hit with a devastating diagnosis. Then, while still reeling from that, they had to fight tooth and nail to reclaim their own home from a tenant-turned-squatter—piles of cash in legal fees, months of stress, all just to get their house back. They finally won that battle and were just beginning to rebuild, making the place livable again so James could have a bit more space and comfort to navigate his illness. And then? The other shoe dropped. The landlord passed away. His granddaughter texted that the family plans to put the property on the market this spring. Now, technically, they’ve offered James and Margit a chance to buy it. Sounds nice, right? Except they’re asking full market price and won’t carry financing. So unless there’s a suitcase full of cash hidden somewhere, ...

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