Fooled by the Day!

April 1st 2020
...and reality keeps hitting harder and harder.
....while I pet the cat and marvel at her clean pink nose, her eyes beautified with natural “eyeliner”.
....while I swim and dive in one of the worlds most gorgeous natural lakes, following black and metallic blue little fish swimming around underwater boulders covered in different color algae swaying with the gentle waves, water reflecting the blue skies; in temperatures that keep me content.

.....while the native kids - schools are closed here too - play their games as loud as they can and social distancing are just two words - a concept that has no meaning.

.....while I forget about the world...the health and economic crisis threatening the life of people I love and the life I used to know on the other side of the earth.
...while I arrange myself in this new setting that was supposed to be a world cycling tour and I see the benefits of staying in one place, learning.
Here in our little paradise there is no real sign yet of the black cloud that has covered our lives.
In this setting it is easy to let facts be far away or let this reality overwhelm me until the bubble bursts and the dream is over..... which one?
I refuse to suffer, but my heart aches for I know (!) and I can’t deny any longer that I am scared too and I keep on letting the day fool me, because that is all I can do right now.
